It seems like nearly everyday, like most toddlers, Noah says something to us that strikes us as so funny or entertaining. I realize that while these are fresh in my mind now I am bound to eventually forget all of his cute phrases and expressions. So while I was thinking about it I wanted to create a short post with as many of them in here as I can remember at the moment so they are documented for us later. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of reading it some day!
These are what I can no particular order:
“It’s dark outside, Daddy....It’s time for you to tickle me!”
Me: “Noah do you want Daddy to bring you anything from Chick-Fil-A?”
Noah” “Ummmmm, no thank you mommy. It’s dark outside. Time for me to go night- night. Maybe tomorrow though…”
“My knees just don’t work anymore…I can’t make it up the stairs”
“Oh no! That’s too bad!!!!”
“Oh, sorry! ‘cuse me…I made a stinky burp”
“Mommy, I put my ‘lot of need-that’s’ in your purse…..”
******(background explanation: He has 3 dozen cloth burp cloths that my mom hand painted for him as a baby and they are his security blankies...he always has a few with him and when he was barely 2 years old he started calling them his "need thats" and we always tell him "you sure do have a lot of need thats")
“Mommy, wake up, open your need to drink some coffee!!!!”
Noah: “Knock knock”
Me: “Who’s there?”
Noah: “Me, Noah Nelson, Noah James!”
(no matter what we do we can't convince him to say his name in the right order!)
“Mommy, is your tummy getting bigger? My tummy getting bigger too!”
After getting his flu-mist nasal spray (in lieu of a flu shot) he said “Ok I’m ready for my band-aid now!” all time favorite:
“Baby Ryan! Go to time-out!!!” (he yelled this to my belly after I exclaimed that the baby had kicked me one night!)