Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Do I need to attend a "Germ-Freak Anonymous" meeting?

I know that at approximately the same nano-second that the umbilical cord is cut in the delivery room, most women turn from ordinary, sane adults into an over-protective germ freak mommy. I didn't escape that transition but when you consider the fact that I AM an RN and I do come from a mother who (in my opinion) has MUCHO extreme germ/dirt issues...it's really no surprise. Oh yeah, and then you combine those 2 tidbits with the fact that I gave birth to a kid with apparently NO immune system who gets sick if he even looks at a germ. I admit, I am the hand-washing police and I drive David crazy but he's slowly getting used to *my* ways. Against popular belief, husbands ARE slightly trainable. So the other day I overheard Noah going around the house saying "No! It's dirty" which sounds more like, "No!, diiirrrr-heeee" but I knew what he was saying, and after a few minutes I figured out why. I think in the course of one day I must sound like a broken record (not that anyone in the current generation even knows what a record is) because it seems like all I say all day long is:

"No, don't TOUCH that, it's dirty!" or
"No, don't LICK that, it's dirty!" or
"No, don't EAT that, it's dirty!" or
"No, don't DRINK that, it's dirty!" or
"No, don't SUCK on that, it's dirty!"

Noah is a good kid, but he goes through the same phases all other little ones go through, and yes, I often find him doing things like drinking dirty bath water, drinking kiddie pool water (can you say e-coli?), eating a peanut off the floor in the public restroom, touching dog poo on the ground, licking the turnstile at Disney World and last, but certainly not least....sucking on the toilet scrub brush he found in the corner of the bathroom. EEEWwwwwwww! I have to say, seeing him eat a peanut off the floor in the public bathroom was an all-time low for me and I very nearly needed therapy with the toilet scrub brush incident. I was dry-heaving. He was laughing.

So, it's no wonder that I hear him going around talking about how dirty things are. Now, if only he would practice what he preaches! But actually, yesterday he came inside from playing outside with Daddy and the first thing he said was "Wash hands, wash hands!"

I was bursting with pride. It was my proudest mommy moment ever!

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