Sunday, April 26, 2009

Potty training: PART 2

Well I suppose I should update the potty training experience since when I left off I was just getting started on what I was sure was going to be a disastrous experiment. Based on Noah's not-so-thrilled response to my proposal to start potty training that particular morning a few weeks ago, I would have bet good money that we were going to abandon this project before the end of 48 hours. To make a long story short, in the end the M&M's won out and all it took was one m&m for him to realize this was a pretty good deal. He has had very little candy in his life so to him one precious M&M is a very fine treat. So even though I had to bribe him with candy just to take off his diaper and put on the oh-so-scary (to him apparently) big boy underwear, he actually did pretty well. I told him we were done with diapers, showed him the potty, put on the training pants and gave him a piece of candy. He seemed clueless and I knew he had no idea what I meant by any of this. All it took was 2 accidents (to be expected) and the light bulb in his head went off and he finally knew what it was I was asking him to do. After 2-3 days of staying at home and doing NOTHING but running to the potty every 30 minutes, lots of praise and rewards and an occasional minor mess...we had made MAJOR progress. I was stunned at how well he was doing. He was even telling me when he had to go and I couldn't have been more proud of him. At first the potty stayed out in the playroom so we had quick access to it and he wasn't afraid to use it since he could still watch TV and be distracted by his toys (see picture below!) and then I gradually moved it into the bathroom...and then we gradually transitioned him onto the big potty. The last thing I wanted was a kid who would only use a little potty chair and then find myself at the grocery store and him not be willing to use the regular bathroom. I didn't want to be one of those moms who had to carry an potty chair in the trunk of my car (not that I wouldn't if I had to).

So even though Noah took to potty training like a champ and surprised us all....I was quick to realize that this new endeavor we had embarked on was about 100x harder than diapers. Because diapers are sooooo absorbent these days, I only had to change Noah 4-5 times a day. He is still of course wearing a diaper at night and usually at nap time just to be safe so in reality even with Noah being potty trained, I was only "giving up" the hassle of 3-4 diapers max per day. Those 3-4 diapers (which took an average of 90 seconds to change) have been replaced with NOT 3-4 trips to the potty....but 10-12 trips to the potty! I really just was stunned to learn that little boys can and will tinkle up to 3 times per hour...every hour. So instead of having to simply change a diaper which is a 1-step process..I now find myself with this process for every potty time:

1. "Noah do you have to go potty?" I ask, to which he promptly and adamantly says "NO MOMMY!" I then have to stop what i'm doing and follow him around the house because of course I don't believe him (he is holding himself and dancing). About 30 seconds later he finally says (like it was his idea) "Mommy, I have to go potty , NOW!"

2. We RUN to the potty and of course 9 times out of 10 we are running so fast he trips and falls and hurts himself and cries so i have to stop and kiss his boo-boo and comfort him.

3. In the potty now, I have to rush to get his pants down for him otherwise he will sit down with is pants still up and pee in his pants while sitting on the potty. He hasn't quite mastered that concept. So, pants are down and he finally sits down and then promptly demands one of his "lovies" (blankie) for comfort since this process is still scary to him so off I go to find that for him

4. He finally uses the potty and before i can finish pulling his pants back up he is so proud of himself he wants to dump it in the big toilet himself so he grabs the potty chair and runs to dump it, spilling half of it of course on him and the floor.

5. We flush and wave "bye bye" to the pee-pee and while he is demanding his reward candy, I am washing my hands, washing his hands, mopping the floor and cleaning up all of the little boy tinkle he has managed to get everywhere.

6. We leave the bathroom, he gets a "high-five" and some candy and by this time I have already forgotten what it was I was doing before he had to go potty 10 minutes ago. Not to worry, the process starts all over again in 10-15 minutes.

Sooooooo I'm not sure who it was that ever said potty training was easier than diapers but they must have been delusional. Diapers are wonderful, easy, quick, mess-free and the best thing ever invented....and I am in control. Potty training is time consuming, messy, unpredictable and nerve-wracking...and HE is in control! AACK!!!! And it has been quite the adjustment for me to be out and about--shopping, driving, eating at a restaurant...and having to stop what I am doing and rush him to the bathroom multiple times. I'm not used to that...those situations are certainly where diapers are easier, BUT....he certainly can't go to school wearing diapers so i'm very relieved we started this when we did and he is well on his way to being 100% independent in this important aspect of his life.

I could not be more proud of him and I am so relieved this was so relatively easy for us and that it is behind us. I know it will only get better from here. He is already trying to "hold it" for a little longer so he isn't going 3x an hour (well at least not every hour) and he is even staying dry after most naps and occasionally at night. AND he has finally quit asking for candy every time he goes potty!

1 comment:

Candace said...

I just wanted to share that it will get easier and then it will be WAY better than diapers! It will be worth it in the long run I promise.