Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yes....MORE summer photos

My nieces came from Denver for a visit in June and while they were with us I drove them down to my parents' house for a week to visit. While in FL I was able to take a little side-trip down to Tampa and got to reunite with 3 of my closest friends and their precious kids for a couple of days. Alisson, Jeanine, She' and I (and all our kids) met up at the FL Aquarium in Tampa for one day and had a great time. I was unfortunately in the peak of my early pregnancy "YUCK" time where I was vomiting as much as 10-15 times per day but with the help of modern pharmacological interventions (no-puke pills) I was able to still enjoy myself! It was sooooo hot down there in FL though...I really have forgotten what that heat and humidity are like. I know I live in "Hot-lanta" but it isn't the same as FL and I should know. The Aquarium had a lovely water park next to it that was free and looked like a blast....but Noah for some reason developed a major water phobia earlier this summer and wouldn't even consider going near the water even though all he could plainly see all the hundreds of kids were having blast. In fact, when i tried to put his swim trunks on he started crying and he wrapped himself up in a towel and faced the wall. He didn't even want a chance to get splashed by someone else having fun! The rest of my time in Tampa I spent at my BFF Jeanine's house and Noah and her 2 year old daughter "Eryn" had such fun playing together. I can't wait to get back down there.

Not that you can tell, but this is a photo of Noah at the water park. He got out of his stroller, turned it around to face the corner of the furthest wall he could get up against (away from all the happy kids playing in the water), wrapped himself in a towel, covered his face and pulled the shade down on the stroller. All on his own just to avoid a drop of water on his skin. This made me think we were in for a LONG summer....

My friend She' and her brand new husband Ian.

Trying to pet the stingray

Owen, Justice, Noah and Montanna

Noah and Eryn were fast friends and had a blast playing together.

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