Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who knew wine could be so dangerous?

Well my foot is almost better. What’s wrong with my foot you might ask? Did I injure it this past week when David and I actually successfully exercised 2 whole nights in a row by walking around the neighborhood? Nope. Did I twist my ankle while wearing some trendy, expensive high heeled shoes? No way. Did I trip over one of Noah’s million pieces of Legos that are covering every square inch of my once toy-free home? No, not this time. What actually happened is that I very nearly broke my foot last Thursday when an unopened and quite heavy bottle of wine came tumbling from the sky (ok, the top shelf of the guest room closet) onto my poor, unsuspecting bare foot. To say it was merely painful would be a dreadful understatement. I saw stars. I knew for sure that every bone in my foot had shattered. I really thought I was going to pass out from the pain and that some poor soul would find me unconscious (in my pajamas still at noon no less) in the guest room with a bottle of wine laying next to me and that Noah would be running wild and unsupervised through the house having destroyed it, colored on the walls and probably would have gone through my underwear drawer and strung it all over the house (no this hasn’t happened…yet). The good news is that I did not pass out, I managed to get it together enough to hop out of the guest room and corral Noah into safety and in fact, my foot was not broken. (Three useless hours in the waiting room for x-rays at Urgent Care proved that). Although I must say, you know you are a busy stay-at-home mom when a quiet waiting room at Urgent Care doesn’t seem to bother you for 3 whole hours of peace…I kinda wished I’d brought some nail polish and a paraffin hand wax kit along with me to complete my “spa” time while away from home. Oh yeah, I was all bruised up and in lots of pain….but, still…I wonder if anyone there would have really minded the nail polish fumes. I’ll have to remember to “pack” better for my next solo trip to urgent care. After all I need to better manage my “Cristie” time.
I should probably explain why there was a bottle of wine in my guest room closet, in case you are thinking I am in AA or something and have the need to hide booze around the house! A certain family member (who shall remain anonymous) brought it back from South Africa as a gift for someone else but left it here at my house by mistake. I put it up in the guest room closet for “safe keeping” and of course, forgot about it until that dreadful moment I had the bright idea to do some closet cleaning. I guess the moral of the story is that when someone leaves an expensive bottle of wine at your house meant for someone else, you should just drink it!

1 comment:

Debra said...


I hope you foot gets better soon. While reading the post I was thinking after urgent care and the pain I would have dranked the wine...heehee!

Great blog by the way!