Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'Tis the Season

This past weekend was super busy and full for us. First we had David's office "holiday" party on Friday night which was actually a Hawaiian Luau...yes in December. It was interesting trying to find something to wear to that this time of year. It is usually formal holiday attire but they wanted to do something different this year...and that they did. Sadly we did not win the hula hoop competition or the free trip to Hawaii...sigh. And I have no pictures from any of that....sorry. Saturday was the SEC championship game held here in Atlanta where "my" Gators got to compete for a chance to go to the National title game...and they won! My darling husband was saavy enough to get us company seats AND kind enough NOT to sell our tickets since there were eager fans willing to pay up to $1000 a ticket...but I would not sell out... I wanted to go! It was an awesome game. But, I have no picture of that either. What I do have to share is a TON of awesome holiday pictures taken over the course of the weekend of mostly...none other than...Noah of course. We got him all dressed up to take some pictures in front of our tree and fireplace at home for potential holiday card photos. They turned out great if I must say so myself! The ironic thing is a fewe months ago you couldn't PAY me to attempt photos of Noah--he was impossible in front of the camera--crying, kicking, screaming and running away. Things have apparently changed because after I was done taking his pictures and had put his play clothes back on he ran over and got back into the rocking chair and kept saying "cheese more!, cheese more!" I finally realized he wanted me to take more pictures so he could keep saying "CHEESE!" What a turn-around.
The rest of the pictures are from Saturday morning when we headed to a friend's house for brunch with SANTA!! We had NO idea how Noah would react to Santa but surprisingly he did quite well and quite willingly sat on his lap. Enjoy the photos!

Yes he is simultaneously twisting the noses on the nutcrackers. No, I don't know why!

Sadly I cut off the top of David's head in this picture, otherwise it would have been perfect. It was a spur of the moment picture and I didn't have time to back up any further or I would have missed the photo completely. David would like everyone to look at the previous picture so they will know that he really does have more hair than it looks like in this picture. Men and their hair...

"Hey Baby, You got plans Friday night???...Can I have your number??"

I just LOVE those blue eyes!


Ashley said...

Gorgeous pictures! Noah's coloring is so handsome in the photos. He's a tree-hugger, too, I see. Kids have such a bond with nature!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute............. She'