Monday, December 1, 2008

Um....Where did November go?

The last 2 weeks of November are all but a blur! To sum it up as briefly as possible...the highlights are that we took Noah to the ENT finally for his restricted airway problems (massive tonsils) and they all agreed that despite his young age he needed his tonsils and adenoids removed ASAP due to him not eating or sleeping well and having bad sleep apnea. He was losing a lot of weight due to not being able to swallow food easily. You know your kid is an "impressive" patient when the expert surgeon of 30+ years shows off his xray to other physicians and says he is a "13" on a severity scale of 1-10! We are so proud...ha ha. "yep, that's our boy!" So they scheduled his surgery for November 20th. On November 16th we started coming down with the dreaded stomach flu...all three of us simultaneously. Yeah, that was about as much fun as it sounds. Nothing like arguing with your spouse about which one of you is the least closest to death to prove that they need to be the one to get up and care for your child. So my sweet, caring, nurturing mom drove up from Florida to help take care of us while we were all sick and to be here for Noah's surgery and recovery but of course, right after she got here we all got better and they cancelled Noah's surgery because they didn't want to operate on him the same week he had the flu. My mom left on November 20th to drive back to FL so she could be ready to come back up for the real surgery date. She got about 3 hours down the road at 11pm and suddenly came down with a much more severe case of our stomach flu..compliments of her grandson. She was stranded at a flea bag motel on the side of the road as sick as could be until the next evening when the "Nelson Ambulance" could get there and bring her back to "The Nelson Infirmary". She finally recovered and we finally got Noah's surgery re-scheduled for November 25th, after much arguing with the doctors. Noah did awesome with the surgery and his recovery has gone smoothly, except for the fact that the prescriptoin pain medicine they put him on made him bounce off the walls and more hyper than that time I let him eat nothing but cake and ice cream for dinner. I now know first hand what the term "hanging from the chandelier" means. Other than that he is doing great and even eating more now (just a few days post-op) than he was before the tonsils came out. I am so happy to see our scrawny little boy eating finally! So life around our house is slowly getting back to normal but we all feel like we have cabin fever. I think David was probably happy to even go back to work today! I will be happy when Noah gets the "all clear" to go back to preschool so I can leave the house myself!

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