Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Name your auction price

Hopefully all the moms everywhere had a wonderful Mother's Day. While I didn't get to sleep in (why do kids wake up at daybreak every single day?) I did get a wonderful breakfast in bed and David even went out on a limb and prepared something he had never made (french toast) and it was very yummy. Luckily, I wrote my Mother's Day blog entry *before* my Mother's Day "nice" dinner out, otherwise it wouldn't have been so mushy and all "how wonderful it is to be a mom..." ha ha. We had reservations for Mother's Day dinner with David's parents and Grandma Ginny at a nice restaurant that I had been really wanting to try. We planned it around Noah's nap time so he would be "at his best". Uh huh. Let's just say that he apparently wanted to "dine in" at home that evening. While he enjoyed eating bites of my Filet Mignon (the boy has some expensive taste) he didn't exactly seem to care for the ambiance of the restaurant. David allowed me to inhale my food first (ladies first) but by that time, David had already been outside with him once, we had picked up over 200 pieces of food/toys/spoons off the floor, we had picked *him* up off the floor following a tantrum and we narrowly prevented him from colliding into the lap of a neighboring customer. Needless to say I spent the remainder of the dinner sitting in the car with him while everyone else finished. He was perfectly content in the car. Had a grand time, singing, laughing, playing. Good for him. :) I know he was just "being his age" but he is usually better behaved in restaurants (he likes the food too much to not be). Oh well. I felt slightly guilty for spending the dinner wishing I had gotten a babysitter...on Mother's Day...how wrong that would have seemed...but oh so tempting. I had to go back and re-read that "Before i was a Mom" poem I previously posted so I didn't auction him off to the highest bidder at the restaurant. Oh and did I mention...not once did my precious offspring refer to me as "ma-ma", "mom" or "mommy" today of all days. He called me "daddy" all day. Well that figures. All is forgiven though and everything is back to normal.

Noah and I had a fun day today. He actually took two naps so "treat" for me. He sure can play hard. Here are a few pictures from last week and also from tonight. He "got away" from me when I was in the middle of putting his pj's on tonight so I got some cute "diaper only" pictures. (he is in the habit of wearing clothes...just not tonight). I did photo collages to fit more pictures in...but the blog won't let me post them any larger so you can't really see any of the detail. Just click on each collage to see it bigger if you wish.

I keep telling him how hard it is to walk in MY shoes...

Yes, EACH meal is this messy for any of you who have not yet had kids!

It's all in the way you wear the hat!
Look at that belly! Actually, he is a little on the under-weight side and has absolutely no belly at all--you can see every rib, every bone down his spine, etc. I can't get any pants or shorts to fit him because they all fall right off. So I'm not at all sure what he is doing to get his belly to stick out like that but I've never seen it do that.

Now I'm sure we've all opened our front door a little under-dressed before...
And turned our back to an annoying solicitor

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