Friday, May 16, 2008


I've realized I enjoy being s SAHM (Stay-at home mom) on Mondays and Tuesdays a lot more than Thursdays and Fridays. In the beginning of each week I've had a little bit of a break from Noah with David being home to entertain him over the weekend; I start the day out on Mondays with Noah at his weekly play-group which is always adorable (and usually no one suffers too terribly much from the normal toddler group lack of sharing, the hitting, tantrums, etc), I have plans of what I'm going to cook each night for dinner, I had ideas of going to the library and doing all these constructive play things with Noah, etc etc. By the end of the week I'm in survival mode and counting down the minutes til David gets home because I think I just can't build one more block tower or watch one more second of PBS without screaming of boredom. Today was definitely one of those days. I had to wrangle both the kid and the cat into the car at the same time early this morning for a trip to the vet. Naturally the cat has ESP and knew what was coming (I really think she hears me make the appt on the phone) and was hiding. I had to distract Noah (he completely terrifies her) and move some furniture around to corral her into one room. After much chasing and screeching I was able to catch her and get her into the car but not without her hissing at me and then peeing on me. That was nice. I had already taken my shower for the day. After the vet fiasco was over I knew I had to figure out a way to get another shower (I had a MD appointment today and certainly couldn't go in smelling like cat pee) but a shower with an unattended toddler roaming around the house or my bedroom is always a challenge. I have perfected the 3-minute shower--my rational being "what can he possibly get in to in only 3 minutes that could be *that* bad after all?" Obviously this rational has been proved wrong time after time. It really is amazing what these little mischievous munchkins can do in 3 just minutes! But that is a whole different blog entry for another day!
And, like every week, just when I thought I was going to pull my hair out, the rescuer came home today and all I could hear was "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" and the pitter patter of feet running across the house to his open arms. It's such a sweet scene to watch that I almost immediately forget how frustrated I was with him just a few minutes earlier...well after the glass of wine kicks in! ha ha.

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