Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Speeding ticket and mud pies...what a day!

Well, I eventually made it down to Gainesville to my parents’ house. The trip started off a bit rough. Not being a morning person…at all (even Noah knows this about me)..I dutifully set my alarm clock for the horrific time of 5:30a.m. so I could beat the famous Atlanta morning rush hour traffic and get on the road bright and early. I wanted to be in Gainesville by lunch time to see one of my best friends who had Monday off from work. That plan backfired. Traffic was ironically so light that early in the morning that I actually managed to get a speeding ticket not 10 miles from home. Yep…it takes talent to get a speeding ticket on I-285 in morning rush hour in Atlanta since everyone who lives here knows that the speed limit on that crazy interstate is merely a suggestion and if you actually drive 55mph you will get immediately mowed over by the cars going 90mph all around you. (OK, I was NOT driving 90) I’ve never even seen anyone getting a ticket on 285…but anyway, I know I shouldn’t have been speeding and the polite police officer was just doing his job. But, it certainly put a damper on my day and on my trip. Luckily I had only had one ticket before that and it was over 10 years ago…but I hate that my “cushion” is gone. Perhaps it will be more than 10 years before this happens again...or maybe never….even better.

Noah was happy to see me and actually looked me straight in the eyes and said “mommy” very clearly (not Ma-ma, Da-da, Daddy, etc). I was ecstatic. That was short- lived since in the 24 hours since then he has called me “Daddy” approximately 452 times. This is especially frustrating when David isn’t even here with us! I know it is his favorite word…but enough already :) I would like to at least be acknowledged by him occasionally that he realizes who it is that sacrifices everything to care for him all day long. Of course he calls me “Ma-ma” when he is sick or hurt but no other time. And I know it has nothing to do with his language development. Just in the last 2 weeks he has learned to say many new words, such as “Thank you”, “bye-bye”, “circle”, “ball”, “banana”, “Good job”, and several more. Maybe for my mother’s day present, David can teach him to finally start calling me Mommy. That would be much appreciated…hint, hint.

We had fun playing in the backyard with “Papa” today and Noah didn’t even destroy any of the tomato plants. I was relieved. He did play with the dirt a lot. I have come a long way from my germ-phobic tendencies and I didn’t even gasp or freak out when he smeared dirt all in and around his mouth. Mud pie anyone?

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