Thursday, May 1, 2008

And then there was one...

The house is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. There is no crying, no whining (from Noah either), no theme songs from Clifford/Sesame Street/Curious George, no annoying electronic toys going off every time I step on one of them and no static from the baby monitor constantly interfering with my Blackberry phone. No, I’m not sitting in my backyard with earplugs in trying to pretend I’m on an island somewhere. I’m actually without-husband and without-child for, I think, the first time ever. After our not-so-relaxing vacation, my parents (who can easily be mistaken for modern day Saints) offered to take care of Noah for a few days (as if I really had to twist their arm). It just so happened that when David got back from his weekly, exhausting 2-day trip to Mexico City, he had to turn around and go to South Georgia for another trip the next day. “Oh honey, you don’t want to fly down to Valdosta do you? You want to drive with Noah and drop him off with my parents, don’t you?” Bless his heart he agreed. So not only do I get the free time, but I didn’t even have to do the driving. Now that’s a deal. Everyone knows I HATE to drive. I can’t sleep a wink at night in my own bed but the second I get behind the wheel I go from insomnia to narcolepsy. The trip went well and as you can see from the picture, Noah slept for part of it, luckily. I’m not sure how he found that position in his car seat comfortable though. My parents drove up from Gainesville and met David in Valdosta (at the Outlet mall of course) to collect Noah, who was thrilled to see them. David is spending the night in Valdosta then will be home Friday afternoon where we will be child-free til Monday.

I’ve been kind of at a loss for what to do. I had made a list of all the things I wanted to get done around the house while Noah was gone, but then I realized I would need to prioritize since Noah would have to visit with them until next Easter (not next Monday) if I wanted to accomplish all of that. Plus of course, there’s the fun things like going shopping somewhere other than Target and Publix, getting my hair cut, having lunch with friends, taking bubble baths, having “date nights” with David., etc. That’s a lot to fit in 3-4 days but I sure am going to try. I spent part of today watching a soap opera and taking a nap so I did feel kinda like a couch potato, but it was a nice way to spend part of an afternoon. I also already went shopping and bought some (much needed and with husband permission) new shoes which was a ton of fun. I haven’t gone shoe shopping since before Noah was born! And I did it all wearing makeup, dangle earrings, a delicate necklace and carrying a very cute, non-mom (couldn’t possibly be confused with a diaper bag) purse. All things I can’t wear with a 1-year old. It did feel GOOD.
Now if only I weren’t so darn lonely!


-Bridget said...

Can I just tell you how much I envy you right now?

-Bridget said...

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